
What Are Lignans? Health Benefits, Sources, and More

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle—for both yourself and your dog—understanding the role of various nutrients is essential. One such nutrient that’s been gaining attention is lignans. But...

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What To Do if Lignans Aren't Working

If you are taking lignans and melatonin as a hormone balancer or are giving the combination to your dog, cat or other pet for Cushing’s syndrome or another hormone-related condition...

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Milk Thistle - Common uses for Liver Support and Diabetes

  Milk thistle has been used by physicians and herbalists since ancient times to treat liver disorders.  In modern times, the range of uses of milk thistle has expanded to...

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SAMe: More than just Liver Support

SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) is best known as a supplement for providing support for the liver.  However, SAMe is also used as a treatment for liver disease, depression, osteoarthritis, schizophrenia, as a...

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Melatonin- Not the Sleep Hormone people think

The one thing everyone knows about melatonin is that it is the “sleep hormone”.  This is wrong.  Rather, melatonin is a  darkness hormone that tells the body time of day...

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What is an “antioxidant”? Oxidation is a normal chemical process by which an animal’s body gets energy from its diet. However, oxidation also produces byproducts in the form of highly...

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