
What Are Lignans? Health Benefits, Sources, and More

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle—for both yourself and your dog—understanding the role of various nutrients is essential. One such nutrient that’s been gaining attention is lignans. But...

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Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) in Cushing’s Dogs

Cushing’s dogs are more susceptible than other dogs to certain conditions.  One common co-occurring condition that we have covered extensively (and that our products are formulated around) is the spectrum...

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Gut Microbes and Cushing’s Syndrome

Gut Microbes and Cushing’s Syndrome We’ve noted in prior posts that gut microbes play an essential role in treating Cushing’s syndrome with lignans and melatonin.  Specifically, without the right mix...

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What Breeds are More Likely to Have Cushing's Disease?

This article is to provide information regarding what dog breeds are more susceptible in getting Cushing's Disease.

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How Much Water Does My Dog Need to Drink Daily?

 Introduction Nothing is as essential for your dog's health as water. Dogs can survive for a while without sufficient carbs, proteins, and fats, but without water, their lives will soon...

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New Respiratory Disease in Dogs

You have probably seen the reports of a new respiratory illness occurring in dogs.  The Oregon Agriculture Department (OAD)t began seeing case reports of dogs suffering from an illness that...

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The Role of Cortisol in Pets

As cortisol is the key contributor to Cushing’s syndrome, we have written quite a bit about it in that context already.  However, in this post, we are going to step...

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Hidden Ingredients (excipients) in Supplements for Dogs

Supplement manufacturers heavily promote the active ingredients in their supplements but rarely highlight their inactive ingredients and, unfortunately, seem not to spend much time thinking about them.  But, they should,...

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Skin Care for Your Cushing’s Dog

What are the causes of skin and hair problems in your Cushing’s dog?  Cushing's syndrome is caused by long-term, elevated levels of cortisol (typical Cushing’s syndrome) or other corticosteroids (atypical...

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How To Read Your Dog's Test Results

Your veterinarian may order several tests to monitor your pet’s general health or to diagnose specific conditions.  In this post, we want to take a look at some of the...

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