Adding Probiotic to Lignans Enhances Bioavailability
If you are giving Flaxseed Lignans to your dog with Cushings disease, you may also want to consider giving your dog a probiotic at the same time. Flaxseed lignans involve a two-step digestive process and the SDG lignans found in flaxseed must be broken down in the digestive system before they can be absorbed. The probiotic will help with this breakdown and can increase the absorption rate of the flaxseed lignans.
Yogurt is a great probiotic if it has live active cultures. Activia is one brand of yogurt with live active cultures and dogs love the taste. In addition to increasing the benefits of the flaxseed lignans, the yogurt can make it easier to give the lignans to your dog. You may open a flaxseed lignan capsule and mix the lignan in with the yogurt. Large amounts of yogurt are not necessary; one tablespoon is usually sufficient to mix with the flaxseed lignans. Note: HMR lignans do not require a probiotic; HMR lignans can be absorbed into the body in a one-step digestive process. Lignans can take up to 4 months before improving symptoms in dogs with Cushings disease, but on average, most dogs (about 85%) respond in two months and have at least one symptom improve during that time.
My mini Australian Shepard had a serious bout of acute pancreatitis last month which landed her in the doggy hospital for a week. She was diagnosed with diabetes at that time (they are not sure if she was an undiagnosed diabetic prior or if the pancreatitus caused the diabetes) Thousands of dollars later she came home on several antibiotics and Vetsulin. She remained lethargic and had a major decrease in appetite and her blood glucose levels remained high (550-750) for a few weeks. We finally got her eating and our vet switched her to Novolin nph insulin. Her blood glucose level remained high and 2 days after the switch she presented with vomiting and bloody stool. Back to the vet for more antibiotics and fluids. Now the vet is thinking she may have Cushings due to her poor response to the insulin. After being on antibiotics for a few days however her blood glucose levels are good (160-250). She eats only small amounts and is reluctant to drink water. She vomits a small amount immediately after eating (and then we fight to see if I can clean it before she eats it again). She has no pot belly and no hair loss. She is lethargic but arousal and responsive when called. I have noticed her back legs give out on her on occasion and she can’t jump up like she used to. The vet wants to do an ACTH stimulation test for a $300 charge and then start her on Vetoryl, a $100 charge for a month supply and then redo the ACTH stim. test in 10-14 days (another $300 charge) to check the effectiveness of the med. She will then have to have a repeat test once every 3-4 months at $300 a test and continue on the med for $100 a month. The vost for all of this is substantial and we have already spent a small fortune on her. And, to be honest, putting her on Vetoryl scares me. It seems the side effects are extreme. I’m thinking of trying homeopathic remedies but am wondering if I should get the ACTH stimulus test to confirm if she even has Cushings!
Amy Willden
We just found out that our Max as Crushing disease from our Vet. We’re going to try the herbal method I bought the Adrenal Harmony and it has a list of Herbs in it to help can I also give him HMR Lignan at the same time. The Aderenal Harmony does not have HMR lignans in the indigents?
rogerio feltes
Hello friends, I am from Brazil and here in the country I only find linseed oil in 500mg capsules and my dog weighs 8kg, would it be a lot to give him a 500mg capsule? And these linseed oil capsules contain enough lignas or what would be my solution? Thank you
I have a 12 year old Jack Russell and our vet has told me that she will more than likely get Cushings disease down the track. Her many blood tests seem to have confirmed this result.
My dog was taking a combination of SAME and milk thistle for 3 months before her last blood test in the hopes that her test for the liver levels would decrease but they went the other way and have increased.
At present I am still giving my dog the milk thistle.
I have been reading about lignans and all other sorts of things I can holistically give my dog and all this sounds promising.
What I really want advice on is this – should I already be giving these things to my dog even though she is not yet showing any proper symptoms of cushings?
Yolanda Bird
My bichon frise has been diagnosed with cushings disease, I have been using Vetoryl capsules 10mg for the last 9 months or so and would like to try a more holistic approach. How would I know what Lignans to use.
christina owens
do you need both the lignans & the melatonin?
my cushings dog is going to receive trilostane. will this interact safely with the melatonin and lignans? thanks
My mini Australian Shepard had a serious bout of acute pancreatitis last month which landed her in the doggy hospital for a week. She was diagnosed with diabetes at that time (they are not sure if she was an undiagnosed diabetic prior or if the pancreatitus caused the diabetes) Thousands of dollars later she came home on several antibiotics and Vetsulin. She remained lethargic and had a major decrease in appetite and her blood glucose levels remained high (550-750) for a few weeks. We finally got her eating and our vet switched her to Novolin nph insulin. Her blood glucose level remained high and 2 days after the switch she presented with vomiting and bloody stool. Back to the vet for more antibiotics and fluids. Now the vet is thinking she may have Cushings due to her poor response to the insulin. After being on antibiotics for a few days however her blood glucose levels are good (160-250). She eats only small amounts and is reluctant to drink water. She vomits a small amount immediately after eating (and then we fight to see if I can clean it before she eats it again). She has no pot belly and no hair loss. She is lethargic but arousal and responsive when called. I have noticed her back legs give out on her on occasion and she can’t jump up like she used to. The vet wants to do an ACTH stimulation test for a $300 charge and then start her on Vetoryl, a $100 charge for a month supply and then redo the ACTH stim. test in 10-14 days (another $300 charge) to check the effectiveness of the med. She will then have to have a repeat test once every 3-4 months at $300 a test and continue on the med for $100 a month. The vost for all of this is substantial and we have already spent a small fortune on her. And, to be honest, putting her on Vetoryl scares me. It seems the side effects are extreme. I’m thinking of trying homeopathic remedies but am wondering if I should get the ACTH stimulus test to confirm if she even has Cushings!
We just found out that our Max as Crushing disease from our Vet. We’re going to try the herbal method I bought the Adrenal Harmony and it has a list of Herbs in it to help can I also give him HMR Lignan at the same time. The Aderenal Harmony does not have HMR lignans in the indigents?
Hello friends, I am from Brazil and here in the country I only find linseed oil in 500mg capsules and my dog weighs 8kg, would it be a lot to give him a 500mg capsule? And these linseed oil capsules contain enough lignas or what would be my solution? Thank you
I have a 12 year old Jack Russell and our vet has told me that she will more than likely get Cushings disease down the track. Her many blood tests seem to have confirmed this result.
My dog was taking a combination of SAME and milk thistle for 3 months before her last blood test in the hopes that her test for the liver levels would decrease but they went the other way and have increased.
At present I am still giving my dog the milk thistle.
I have been reading about lignans and all other sorts of things I can holistically give my dog and all this sounds promising.
What I really want advice on is this – should I already be giving these things to my dog even though she is not yet showing any proper symptoms of cushings?
My bichon frise has been diagnosed with cushings disease, I have been using Vetoryl capsules 10mg for the last 9 months or so and would like to try a more holistic approach. How would I know what Lignans to use.
do you need both the lignans & the melatonin?
my cushings dog is going to receive trilostane. will this interact safely with the melatonin and lignans? thanks